It's All About the Convenience...Store

(43 Reviews)
100% Recommended

Sara Newbury

Lewisburg, PA
Walt Disney World ~ Nostalgic Escape

UPDATE: As of Jan. 9, 2024, guests with vacation packages or date-based tickets no longer need to secure a Park Pass Reservation to visit the theme parks.  Annual Pass holders do not need a Park Pass Reservation if entering the parks a...

get the fried chicken

As a millennial traveler, I grew up with runs to the local convenience store to grab a coffee, Big Gulp, or a questionable high-calorie snack.  But let me tell you, U.S. convenience stores ain't got nothing on the Japanese convenience stores!

Lawsons, Family Mart, and 7-Eleven stores in Japan are an excursion all on their own.  Some of the best fried chicken bites I've ever had can be found at Lawsons.  Do you want a delicious pastry or yogurt made with milk from Hokkaido?  Maybe you're taste buds are craving a funky-flavored bag of Lays potato chips?  Check out the convenience store around the corner.

It may seem a bit silly that one of my favorite dining locations in all of Japan could be a convenience store, but I implore you to stop and check one out on your next trip through Tokyo.  You'll thank me later ;)

Seriously, if you want to know more about the fascinating world of Japanese convenience stores, send me a request and I'll hook you up with where to find one of the best bowls of instant ramen.

P.S. There's a whole world of vending machines that we need to explore!

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